There is a sunken city near Cuba. Does anybody have any explanation for how it got there?

Near the west coasts of Cuba there is a massive sunken underwater city. I am extremely fascinated with this city which supposedly "has pyramids bigger

Near the west coasts of Cuba there is a massive sunken underwater city. I am extremely fascinated with this city which supposedly "has pyramids bigger than in Giza" and appears to be Atlantis. There are many hypothesis on how this great city got to the ocean floor and I am puzzled on which one should be true. If you think you have a valid explanation for this mystery please give a detailed explanation.

or:Near the west coasts of Cuba there is a massive sunken underwater city. I am extremely fascinated with this city which supposedly \"has pyramids bigger than in Giza\" and appears to be Atlantis. There are many hypothesis on how this great city got to the ocean floor and I am puzzled on which one should be true. If you think you have a valid explanation for this mystery please give a detailed explanation.

or:You want a detailed answer but you have not given an exact location. You are asking about \"something somewhere\". You can only expect baloney in response. I suggest you go to and look at pictures of the area to see if you find anything. The pyramid at Giza is 455 feet tall, so you need to look at water deeper than that. I looked and did not see anything. You can also go to to find maps indicating depths, but they are not very meaningful.

or:I cannot possibly know this is true. The rise of a sunken city in the Southern Atlantic was predicted by Edgar Cayce (See \"Edgar Cayce; Sleeping Prophet\" by Jess Stearn). The supposed year for the discovery was the late 60's. Cayce claimed it was Atlantis, which broke apart and sank due to spiritual schism. A few of the developed Atlanteans went to South America, some to North Africa, where they built pyramids using sound, a science we cannot duplicate even today. I was a bit stunned in the fall of 1969 to find an obscure news item on this very topic.
