Rosie is 24 years old. She is twice the age that Kyla had been when Rosie was the same age that Kyl?

Rosie is 24 years old. She is twice the age that Kyla had been when Rosie was the same age that Kylie is now. How old is Kylie? I need more than just

Rosie is 24 years old. She is twice the age that Kyla had been when Rosie was the same age that Kylie is now. How old is Kylie? I need more than just a number, I need an explanation of how that number was reached.

or:Rosie is 24 years old. She is twice the age that Kyla had been when Rosie was the same age that Kylie is now. How old is Kylie? I need more than just a number, I need an explanation of how that number was reached.

or:\"Rosie is 24 years old. She is twice the age that Kyla had been...\"So, Kyla was 12 and Rosie was 12 then, \"WHEN Rosie was the same age that Kylie is NOW.\"Kylie is 12 years now.Kyla is introduced to create a bit of confusion. The riddle wouldn't be one, if it just said, \" Rosie is 24 years old. She is twice the age that Kylie is.\"
