Height growth?

You may have heard this HEAPS of times but, 1. Would I grow any taller2. Why did I stop growing suddenly3. Whatever I do, nothing increases my heightO

You may have heard this HEAPS of times but,
1. Would I grow any taller
2. Why did I stop growing suddenly
3. Whatever I do, nothing increases my height
Ok so this is all the info about me that u need to know, I'm 15, 5'6 tall, had growth spurt when I was about 12-13 years old and stopped growing at 14, my dad is 6'0, mum is 5'2, any other things you want to know just ask.

or:You may have heard this HEAPS of times but, 1. Would I grow any taller2. Why did I stop growing suddenly3. Whatever I do, nothing increases my heightOk so this is all the info about me that u need to know, I'm 15, 5'6 tall, had growth spurt when I was about 12-13 years old and stopped growing at 14, my dad is 6'0, mum is 5'2, any other things you want to know just ask.

or:www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=growth+chart+male,15yr,5%276%27%27,150+lbs&lk=6&ab=cType in your details and see what you get. You almost certainly will grow some more by age 21 or so. After that there are just two ways to make yourself taller:1. Put lifts in your shoes.2. Put a box on your head.
