A very poorly animated movie of Mulan. It involves a good and a bad dragon. Does anyone know this?

Ive been thinking of a movie I watched as a kid (some10 years ago). And I only remember fractions of it. Like it involves 2 dragons, one good whom Mul

I've been thinking of a movie I watched as a kid (some
10 years ago). And I only remember fractions of it. Like it involves 2 dragons, one good whom Mulan is helping and one bad. I also remember Mulan and her partner slingshotting guards to get into a tent. But that is literally everything I can remember from the movie.

or:I've been thinking of a movie I watched as a kid (some10 years ago). And I only remember fractions of it. Like it involves 2 dragons, one good whom Mulan is helping and one bad. I also remember Mulan and her partner slingshotting guards to get into a tent. But that is literally everything I can remember from the movie.
