Cant remember the name of this retro game?

I have been searching for this game for a long time. I dont know the system but i think it may be MS DOS. It involves a character that is sort of a s

I have been searching for this game for a long time. I don't know the system but i think it may be MS DOS. It involves a character that is sort of a spy, which makes his way through a bunch of people by camouflaging himself in the uniform of the gaurds or enemy's. At first i thought it might be dirk danger or dirk dagger, jack danger, etc. I know...not much to go on but I am stuck here guys and gals...

or:I have been searching for this game for a long time. I don't know the system but i think it may be MS DOS. It involves a character that is sort of a spy, which makes his way through a bunch of people by camouflaging himself in the uniform of the gaurds or enemy's. At first i thought it might be dirk danger or dirk dagger, jack danger, etc. I know...not much to go on but I am stuck here guys and gals...
