What is the first thing you notice about a stranger?

Out of curiosity, do first impressions really count? Lets say someone you dont know comes up to you and starts a convosation, what is the first thing

Out of curiosity, do first impressions really count? Lets say someone you dont know comes up to you and starts a convosation, what is the first thing you notice about them?..i always notice their shoes/footwear for some reason.

or:Out of curiosity, do first impressions really count? Lets say someone you dont know comes up to you and starts a convosation, what is the first thing you notice about them?..i always notice their shoes/footwear for some reason.

or:yes, your first impression counts. It is said that a girl makes up her mind in the first few seconds when she meets a new guy.Someone who has a job interview wants to make sure he/she is dressed well before meeting the employer.Even when selling a product like an Iphone or a new car, the first thing your customer sees is how well the product looks then how well the product performs. The biggest reason why a company would use a supermodel to advertise a product is because it might make the product more appealing.Bottom line, looks count big time weather you're a person, a service or a product, looks count.
