Is it ok to excercise after youve been sick because I had a soar throat and a cold last friday?

Mum says i couldnt but i dont feel bad or:Mum says i couldnt but i dont feel bador:Hey!You really shouldn'tWhen you're sick, your body really needs al

Mum says i couldnt but i dont feel bad

or:Mum says i couldnt but i dont feel bad

or:Hey!You really shouldn'tWhen you're sick, your body really needs all the energy it can get, for \"fighting\" any viruses in your body...if you do exercise whilst your ill, probablyyy nothing serious is going to happen, but the length of your illness will probably get put back by a couple of days...I recommend resting, take it easy! no rush! ;)Get well soon! Tara.
