I killed a bee, how do I stop feeling guilty about it?

Okay so from a childhood experience i have a huge phobia from bees and earlier this day one landed on my leg and i hit it as hard as i could with a bo

Okay so from a childhood experience i have a huge phobia from bees and earlier this day one landed on my leg and i hit it as hard as i could with a book while freaking out crazy and now i can't seem to stop thinking about it... I'm so sorry and the guilt is killing me.

or:Okay so from a childhood experience i have a huge phobia from bees and earlier this day one landed on my leg and i hit it as hard as i could with a book while freaking out crazy and now i can't seem to stop thinking about it... I'm so sorry and the guilt is killing me.

or:Just think of something else, like plan what to do in the next 10 days. Or just listen to music that you like or anything else, you don't have to be so guilty about it,

or:It's ok I'm still scared of bees (im 12) and since I'm a girl I scream as loud as I can. Then run I just can't seem to stay still anyways it's ok millions r made everyday literally
