How do I record a time lapse on a SooCoo action camera?

I have a SooCoo action camera C30 and it has time-lapse in the settings but only says off, 3 secs, 5 secs, or 10 secs. There is no way to start record

I have a SooCoo action camera C30 and it has time-lapse in the settings but only says off, 3 secs, 5 secs, or 10 secs. There is no way to start recording a time-lapse. So could somebody please tell me the answer! I've been looking for a long time and found nothing.

or:I have a SooCoo action camera C30 and it has time-lapse in the settings but only says off, 3 secs, 5 secs, or 10 secs. There is no way to start recording a time-lapse. So could somebody please tell me the answer! I've been looking for a long time and found nothing.
