How does an english person sound to a person that speaks another language?

do we sound to them how thay sound to us? or:do we sound to them how thay sound to us?or:When you don't speak a certain language and you hear native s

do we sound to them how thay sound to us?

or:do we sound to them how thay sound to us?

or:When you don't speak a certain language and you hear native speakers conversing it is very common to hear it as very rapid speech. Since you don't know where one word ends and where the next word begins, the human ear tends to hear the individual syllables as words. So if you're saying \"Brooklyn Boulevard is downtown on the south side,\" the person will likely hear \"Brook Lyn Bo Le Vard is Down Town on the south side\" all in a rush and running together haphazardly. When you factor in the numerous accents in English, it is no wonder English is considered very difficult to learn.
