Can anyone help with my flatmate problems?

I feel like Im becoming depressed living with my flatmate. We moved into our place March this year and the flat is in my name and shes under as a lodg

I feel like I'm becoming depressed living with my flatmate. We moved into our place March this year and the flat is in my name and she's under as a lodger. When we first moved in she cleaned up after herself and flat, then once we'd furnished flat people started sleeping. We're only allowed guests to stay 3 nights a week per person, but my flatmate rarely follows that. She was letting her brother stay a week at a time (some of his stuff is still here) but he's know stopped staying. She dumped one boyfriend she hardly saw for a guy who has a history of cheating and she's bitches about him talking to his ex or adding random girls on fb, but when I told her to dump him because he'll continue to hurt her I'm in the wrong, so I gave up. Because 2 or 3 people we're staying at once the flat became a mess and she still had all her boxes in hallway and living room, but it was me getting complained at even though I cleaned up after myself. At the beginning of last month I got sick of it all and did a big spring clean and put a sarcastic note up saying there's a bin and a sink in the kitchen. I ended up moving all her boxes too because she felt sick or too tired even though she doesn't work or do anything. She invites people round in early hours of morning waking me up everytime. One day I got sick of this and just before she let her friend out I said thanks for waking me up not like I don't have to get up at 7, then our "mutual friend" said you only work 2 hours I do more. So I pointed out how he gets to lay in because he does nights. I go to work, then go to my parents to help my mum, then home to clean my place. My flatmate sneaks her boyfriend when he's stayed his 3 nights and when they wake me up they go silent for a few seconds thinking I'm stupid. I've ordered a camera now which will hopefully get her to behave and maybe move out. I don't want to kick her out because I don't want to lose our friendship, but if this keeps happening I feel like I'm gonna have a breakdown. Does anyone have any ideas what might get her to move out?

or:I feel like I'm becoming depressed living with my flatmate. We moved into our place March this year and the flat is in my name and she's under as a lodger. When we first moved in she cleaned up after herself and flat, then once we'd furnished flat people started sleeping. We're only allowed guests to stay 3 nights a week per person, but my flatmate rarely follows that. She was letting her brother stay a week at a time (some of his stuff is still here) but he's know stopped staying. She dumped one boyfriend she hardly saw for a guy who has a history of cheating and she's bitches about him talking to his ex or adding random girls on fb, but when I told her to dump him because he'll continue to hurt her I'm in the wrong, so I gave up. Because 2 or 3 people we're staying at once the flat became a mess and she still had all her boxes in hallway and living room, but it was me getting complained at even though I cleaned up after myself. At the beginning of last month I got sick of it all and did a big spring clean and put a sarcastic note up saying there's a bin and a sink in the kitchen. I ended up moving all her boxes too because she felt sick or too tired even though she doesn't work or do anything. She invites people round in early hours of morning waking me up everytime. One day I got sick of this and just before she let her friend out I said thanks for waking me up not like I don't have to get up at 7, then our \"mutual friend\" said you only work 2 hours I do more. So I pointed out how he gets to lay in because he does nights. I go to work, then go to my parents to help my mum, then home to clean my place. My flatmate sneaks her boyfriend when he's stayed his 3 nights and when they wake me up they go silent for a few seconds thinking I'm stupid. I've ordered a camera now which will hopefully get her to behave and maybe move out. I don't want to kick her out because I don't want to lose our friendship, but if this keeps happening I feel like I'm gonna have a breakdown. Does anyone have any ideas what might get her to move out?

or:well if she really felt the same way about friendship as you do you wouldn't do what she is doing sneaking around no job or a way of paying you something for staying there no cleaning up after her self or her friends no respect unless you say nothing or take action she will keep doing i suggest showing her the door she takeing advantage of your kind heart
