I need help on how I can get $2000 in a month? Please I have really bad credit. Help me?

or:I need help on how I can get $2000 in a month? Please I have really bad credit. Help me?or:Well... this is a very bad situation my friend. I only

or:I need help on how I can get $2000 in a month? Please I have really bad credit. Help me?

or:Well... this is a very bad situation my friend. I only can suggest you that calm down and don't take too much panic and don't even try any bad idea from your's or any other's mind. Just try to handle the situation. I also had face these type of situations....Maybe you can get that amount with a bad idea but it will harm you in future.....But if you don't mind my friend may i know the situation you need that big amount.
