Leasing apartment?

I found an apartment online, a 540sq ft studio for $850. Got my keys and attempted to get started with moving. I entered only to find the apt was sh

I found an apartment online, a 540sq ft studio for $850. Got my keys and attempted to get started with moving. I entered only to find the apt was short 227sq ft. not to mentioned the rent is $25 more than advertised on the web site. Can I cancel my lease?

or:I found an apartment online, a 540sq ft studio for $850. Got my keys and attempted to get started with moving. I entered only to find the apt was short 227sq ft. not to mentioned the rent is $25 more than advertised on the web site. Can I cancel my lease?

or:Sure you can just go say you gone sue him if you dont get your lease released.

or:Why did you sign a legal contract without viewing the property? That's not the way you conduct business. You signed a legal binding agreement saying you agreed to the rental price even though it was $25 more than advertised price. That was your time to disagree and not sign or have the amount changed.I don't understand people who sign legal contracts then whine about it later and think they can just weasel out of it. I'm not saying what mgmt did was right but I am saying what you did was wrong. You agreed, you signed and you chose to not go see the actual property BEFORE you signed a contract when you obviously could go. That's your bad not the people who leased it to you.Go tell them your feelings and see if they will make it right. Be nice and see if you can get it worked out without a lawyer. And learn a lesson. This is just as much your fault as it is theirs.
