I had an allergic reaction on only one side of my face. That side was red and irritated and it?

... spread to my eye. My face is much better but my eye is still swollen. Should I take the precaution and get new makeup although I dont wear makeup

... spread to my eye. My face is much better but my eye is still swollen. Should I take the precaution and get new makeup although I don't wear makeup often?

or:... spread to my eye. My face is much better but my eye is still swollen. Should I take the precaution and get new makeup although I don't wear makeup often?

or:make up should be replaced every 6 mouth. sometimes it takes 2 to 3 weeks for allergic reaction to go away. if you'r make-up caused it then yes thow it away and don't get the same kind be careful and keep an eye on what is uesd in it.
