Can Snapping Turtles Swim?

Have a large aquerium and I wont to put my snapping turtle in it . Its about 3ft. deep just wasnt sure if he could get up for air ? or:Have a large aq

Have a large aquerium and I wont to put my snapping turtle in it . Its about 3ft. deep just wasn't sure if he could get up for air ?

or:Have a large aquerium and I wont to put my snapping turtle in it . Its about 3ft. deep just wasn't sure if he could get up for air ?

or:I think it can since turtles in generals are considered amphibian meaning they can live in land and water I think he can swim

or:Yes, snapping turtles can swim. We actually have many in our pond, and we have an alligator snapping turtle in an aquarium! They spend most of their time in the water, but I'd suggest maybe putting a large rock, or maybe a turtle platform in there too, just in case. Also, snapping turtles can be agressive, so mind your fingers so you don't get bit! Hope I helped!

or:they swim very well but your container sounds way too small as they grow to be huge.
