What are six complex symbols that may represent leisel from the book theif personality,conflict?

or:What are six complex symbols that may represent leisel from the book theif personality,conflict?or:I see Leisel as fragile, so a shard of glass wo

or:What are six complex symbols that may represent leisel from the book theif personality,conflict?

or:I see Leisel as fragile, so a shard of glass would suit her well. She's also sensitive, yet strong, so another good representation of her would be a spider's thread. Leisel is determined, so waves crashing against a cliff would symbolize that. She also strikes me as wily and free, but always seeking comfort and solace, much like a coyote howling at the moon. She's also a victim of bad luck, so a fawn in a wolf's jaws also describes her. Most importantly, Liesel is a writer and a reader. A broken box would symbolize her creative spirit and her ability to be creative.
