Google - how can I setup a chat room for my forum for a particular post in my own website?

I have a forum website. People create posts in particular topics. some other people reply to the post. but all this should happen quickly without refr

I have a forum website. People create posts in particular topics. some other people reply to the post. but all this should happen quickly without refreshing the page. so I need to set up a chat room for that post. means when a person creates...topic a chatroom with the name of the topic should also create and when anybody via chat...also present in because chat room messages can be disappear closed. but...messages stays for years. and can be readable by any one. Can anybody help me for achieving this?

or:I have a forum website. People create posts in particular topics. some other people reply to the post. but all this should happen quickly without refreshing the page. so I need to set up a chat room for that post. means when a person creates...topic a chatroom with the name of the topic should also create and when anybody via chat...also present in because chat room messages can be disappear closed. but...messages stays for years. and can be readable by any one. Can anybody help me for achieving this?

or:You basically just described a forum..?
