Girls only!!!! How many times should I change my pad?

I just got my period a month ago and Im wondering how many times you should change your pad. Well I change my pad only when my pad is getting full or

I just got my period a month ago and I'm wondering how many times you should change your pad. Well I change my pad only when my pad is getting full or about to leak. But I only change my pad like once if I'm not bleeding a lot. My mom says it's a waste of pads but when I have health class they would say that girls need to change their pad 3-4 hours.
Please help!

or:I just got my period a month ago and I'm wondering how many times you should change your pad. Well I change my pad only when my pad is getting full or about to leak. But I only change my pad like once if I'm not bleeding a lot. My mom says it's a waste of pads but when I have health class they would say that girls need to change their pad 3-4 hours. Please help!

or:3 -5 times a day

or:Once every two minutes

or:Depands from person to person. It's good to change it often because of bacteries. The most important thing is to feel clean... and to have clean trousers.
