I can't lose inches around my waist!?

I need some help... My waist I 38 inches ad I need it to be at least 35 inches. Please PLEASE someone help me! or:I need some help... My waist I 38 in

I need some help... My waist I 38 inches ad I need it to be at least 35 inches. Please PLEASE someone help me!

or:I need some help... My waist I 38 inches ad I need it to be at least 35 inches. Please PLEASE someone help me!

or:Healthiest way is to exercise and eat healthy and moderately. But if u need a quick fix... maybe a corset helps..hard to sit down though and ur chests get pushed up to ur chin. Or try some body shaping under clothes

or:I think a body slimming wrap can help you. It provides immediate results like about 45 minutes. You can start with iwbodywraps.com. Another way of losing a few inches in your waist is through body wrapping methods offered by spa centers. They use herbal medicines that will help in flushing out toxins in your body.

or:if you watch your carbs this has really helped me I take fiber and it expands in your stomach causeing you to eat less he told me to take a tablet a hour before you eat a meal and your sugar intake this will cut things down a lot for you

or:You have to admit that there are just times when you can't lose those excess fats settling around your waist. I know it's frustrating. I have been there. I understand you have been working it out by diet and exercise? However, should it wouldn't go away, you can always look the brighter side of liposuction or tummy tuck. Although I am not a surgeon myself, you can always have a discussion with one. I had mine at lotusmedicalinternational.com.
