Why does it sting when I pee?? Please help :(?

K so this only started 1 day ago, around 2 days after I got my period, and now whenever I pee it really stings. I absalutely HATE IT. I dont wann tell

K so this only started 1 day ago, around 2 days after I got my period, and now whenever I pee it really stings. I absalutely HATE IT. I don't wann tell anyone...but uhm yeah, help?

or:K so this only started 1 day ago, around 2 days after I got my period, and now whenever I pee it really stings. I absalutely HATE IT. I don't wann tell anyone...but uhm yeah, help?

or:That would be a urinary tract infection, so need to see a doctor and get a certain feminine medication for it.
