What is it I am feeling? Please help?

Okay so first off id like to state that i am not a believer that you can be IN love with someone you dont know on a personal level and i also dont fal

Okay so first off id like to state that i am not a believer that you can be IN love with someone you dont know on a personal level and i also dont fall for someone easy.. But theres this guy.. I'll call him Collin for privacy sake. Collin is a family friend that i see a few times a year. We have never been close just have generally socialized at the times our families visit. hes 2 and a half years older than me (im 16 hes 18) and i just cant seem to forget him. i tell myself its stupid all the time i find myself thinking of him even when i date other guys and i find myself always going back to liking him. ive liked him since i was 10 and he was 12 and i dont know if its grown into love.. I look at him and i get these sparks up my arm and i see his eyes and just cant imagine ever being without him. ive tried to forget about him but...idk. ive found myself lately avoiding seeing him at get togethers (ive played sick) because the feelings always seem to surface even more when i see him in a picture or in person... ugh idk. ive canceled out love obsession because i dont stalk him or check his social network or like constantly talk about him, i just feel this connection and hes always in the back of my mind when im with other guys and on some level i feel like thats cheating on him.. the thought of seeing him gives me anxiety because i dont feel hed EVER be impressed by me . Help? what is this feeling?

or:Okay so first off id like to state that i am not a believer that you can be IN love with someone you dont know on a personal level and i also dont fall for someone easy.. But theres this guy.. I'll call him Collin for privacy sake. Collin is a family friend that i see a few times a year. We have never been close just have generally socialized at the times our families visit. hes 2 and a half years older than me (im 16 hes 18) and i just cant seem to forget him. i tell myself its stupid all the time i find myself thinking of him even when i date other guys and i find myself always going back to liking him. ive liked him since i was 10 and he was 12 and i dont know if its grown into love.. I look at him and i get these sparks up my arm and i see his eyes and just cant imagine ever being without him. ive tried to forget about him but...idk. ive found myself lately avoiding seeing him at get togethers (ive played sick) because the feelings always seem to surface even more when i see him in a picture or in person... ugh idk. ive canceled out love obsession because i dont stalk him or check his social network or like constantly talk about him, i just feel this connection and hes always in the back of my mind when im with other guys and on some level i feel like thats cheating on him.. the thought of seeing him gives me anxiety because i dont feel hed EVER be impressed by me . Help? what is this feeling?
