What is you labour of love?

I am an art student in the Netherlands. For a school project, I will be making a publication containing labours of love. I chose to do this as to focu

I am an art student in the Netherlands. For a school project, I will be making a publication containing labours of love. I chose to do this as to focus on the good side of people.

or:I am an art student in the Netherlands. For a school project, I will be making a publication containing labours of love. I chose to do this as to focus on the good side of people.

or:My labours of love include writing helpful answers and offering encouragement to people on question.com. I also like mowing the lawns of my elderly neighbors. And also working in missions, giving clothes and canned food to the needy.

or:Labour of love is more like giving unconditional help to others for the sake of improving their lives. Activities like volunteering fall under this category
