Anybody know about beta fish?! HELP!?

Hey, Does anybody know about beta fish? I just got an air pump and my aunt told me itll kill my beta fish so I turned it off, Im scared my other fish

Hey, Does anybody know about beta fish? I just got an air pump and my aunt told me it'll kill my beta fish so I turned it off, I'm scared my other fish might die though. Helppp!!!

or:Hey, Does anybody know about beta fish? I just got an air pump and my aunt told me it'll kill my beta fish so I turned it off, I'm scared my other fish might die though. Helppp!!!

or:Beta fish do not need an air pump to be able to breathe underwater. You can put them in a seperate fish bowl. If you have other fish other than a beta fish then they will need the air pump.

or:You need another tank for your beta fish. Air pump or not, your beta will attack other fish, even other betas. They have to be alone
