What does logic mean?

and what does this mean reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity. or:and what does this mean 'reasoning conducted or

and what does this mean 'reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.'

or:and what does this mean 'reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.'

or:Logic is the modern version of an ancient Greek parlor game where you could get any result you wanted by changing the rules. It is a list of rules to determine whether things are right or wrong. Humans are famously able to consider anything right if it is what they want or wrong if they don't want it. For example the judge uses the same logic to execute a criminal that the redneck uses to lynch a bum. In politics, anything can be true if you keep saying it, and nothing is true if you can't be forced to admit it. And it is all perfectly logical. A few years ago two men in Texas tied a black man to their pickup and dragged him until he died. A KKK member came from somewhere to investigate and he made a statement on tv. He said \"I don't think race had any part in this. That boy probably stole something from them and they were just paying him back. Race had nothing to do with it.\" Perfectly logical, if you assume that all black men are named \"boy\" and are thieves.
