OCS and marriage?

Shipping to OCS next month and am having very serious issues with my wife where separation and divorce are very possible. Is it possible to delay that

Shipping to OCS next month and am having very serious issues with my wife where separation and divorce are very possible. Is it possible to delay that to work out personal matters as opposed to going and having more issues while i am there or is this my one and only oportunity. I just dont feel the separation will help us at all but this is also something i really want to do and dont want to miss the opportunity. Hoping someone has some outside advice as opposed to going directly to the recruiter as i know they have quotas to meet.

or:Shipping to OCS next month and am having very serious issues with my wife where separation and divorce are very possible. Is it possible to delay that to work out personal matters as opposed to going and having more issues while i am there or is this my one and only oportunity. I just dont feel the separation will help us at all but this is also something i really want to do and dont want to miss the opportunity. Hoping someone has some outside advice as opposed to going directly to the recruiter as i know they have quotas to meet.

or:you know i would call the head quarters about it cause they would be the ones to ask because there sending you just see if you can delay it because of personal issues and let them know that you need to discuss it now its possible they can delay you for going but they should be able to help you sometimes they do it as a precaution but you have to talk to then
