Why do people like to pray for others?

For others . . . i just dont get why they pray for others . . . like to God or something . . . or:For others . . . i just don't get why they pray for

For others . . . i just don't get why they pray for others . . . like to God or something . . .

or:For others . . . i just don't get why they pray for others . . . like to God or something . . .

or:You should accept what your family does for you. They give you things, a house, a place to live, clothes, TV, fun, etc.

or:Because its good . . . its nothing bad. Just life.

or:It is the only way to praise for the dead.

or:Prayers for the well-being of others help us to combat selfishness and to grow in compassion and empathy.Is anyone listening?\u2019 One writer expressed the view that prayer is just \u201ca form of therapy .\u00a0.\u00a0. like talking to your pet fish.\u201d Some medical authorities have a similar view, calling prayer a form of \u201calternative medicine.\u201d or just going through a meaningless exercise or, at best, getting some therapeutic benefit.In contrast, the Bible presents prayer as much more than just a form of therapy. It tells us that someone really is listening to prayers that are made in the right way and for the right thing.For more information on this subject and others, please go to jw.org \"Online Library also for free downloads or read online.
