How much, how often should I feed my golden retriever puppy?

How much, how often should I feed my golden retriever puppy? How often would I have to order a 30lb dog food? or:How much, how often should I feed my

How much, how often should I feed my golden retriever puppy? How often would I have to order a 30lb dog food?

or:How much, how often should I feed my golden retriever puppy? How often would I have to order a 30lb dog food?

or:Some people feed once a day and some twice, personally I prefer twice as this allows the dogs stomach to settle in between. As for how much that all depends on what brand of food your feeding, there is always a guide on the bag/side of the bag telling you how much to feed per pound

or:It's all about age!!!!!!!!!! Active puppies need more because they're burning off more calories, and if i didn't feed my puppy at least 1/4 cup more at each meal than the label on the food bag then she'd be underweight! For normal puppies, literally just look at the back of the food bag, there's always a chart for feeding to age group (weeks) If she's under 18 weeks, 3 times a day. 18 weeks and beyond you can stop and do 2 feedings a day. For the amount take the daily food amount and divide by # of feedings.
