Windows - File copying. Why do I get error "file is too large for the destination file system"??

Using Win 7. Trying to copy 6 GBYTE file to a thumb drive with 200 GBYTE unused... Why do I get an error message "file is too large for the destinati

Using Win 7. Trying to copy 6 GBYTE file to a thumb drive with 200 GBYTE unused... Why do I get an error message "file is too large for the destination file system"?

or:Using Win 7. Trying to copy 6 GBYTE file to a thumb drive with 200 GBYTE unused... Why do I get an error message \"file is too large for the destination file system\"?

or:https :// www . basictricks . net / the-file-is-too-large-for-the-destination-file-system/Apparently, usb drives are usually formatted as FAT32, which can only support up to ~4gb (2^32b) in a single file. The article provides instructions on how to reformat it (which likely involves wiping all current memory).My 2c, avoid creating such large files in the first place. If it's a log, split it by some timespan. If compressed, dissect to a number of zips. Singular large files are difficult to read, extract, and load to memory as is demonstrated.
