My arrow curves and misses the target so what should I do?

My daughter started doing archery a couple months ago and she is using a youth genesis bow. It was set at 20lbs but she couldnt pull it back all the w

My daughter started doing archery a couple months ago and she is using a youth genesis bow. It was set at 20lbs but she couldn't pull it back all the way. At 16 lbs she was doing better but couldn't pull back and hold it very long. When we lowered it to 14 then 12 she started doing worse and the arrow curve to the left too much. What should she do?

or:My daughter started doing archery a couple months ago and she is using a youth genesis bow. It was set at 20lbs but she couldn't pull it back all the way. At 16 lbs she was doing better but couldn't pull back and hold it very long. When we lowered it to 14 then 12 she started doing worse and the arrow curve to the left too much. What should she do?

or:You could put her back on 20lbs or 16lbs and get her a release that may help.

or:A compound bow (one with wheels and so on), as the youth genesis bow is, should be easy enough, or even a little bit hard to pull back, but should hit a point once it is fully extended where it should be easy to hold and aim. That is just how a compound bow works and why it is good for children or the injured (or just people who like it). If your daughter is not hitting this point or trying to go beyond it, you need to adjust the wheels. You should be able to find a youtube video on how to do this or you can ask another person who shoots a compound bow (unfortunately i don't and only have a very basic idea of how they work). You need to find a draw length (the length until the bow hits this point) and poundage that suits your daughter. Depending how old your daughter is, an 8 year old should be comfortable with at least 9 pounds, a 10 year old can go up a little depending on their size, an average sized 12 year old should be okay with 16 to 20 or more pounds. But it always depends on the child's size and strength. As the previous answer to your question said, if she doesn't already have a release aid, this would be a good piece of equipment to get, again, see youtube or another compound archer for instruction on using one. Hope this helps!

or:when she releases make sure she is keeping her hand near her face and not moving it away as soon as she lets go. and make sure she is gripping the bow string to tightly that can also affect the flight of your arrow. XD
