My dog is about to die but I want to remember her some how forever, I want to carry her with me?

My dog Mia has hip problems she is in a lot of pain, so we will put her down and soon, I cant help wanting to have her with me everyday even after she

My dog Mia has hip problems she is in a lot of pain, so we will put her down and soon, I cant help wanting to have her with me everyday even after she is gone, I want to carry her with me everywhere. My mom got her when I was 2 months old I have had her forever I never have looked at her bed and said I wonder where she is.
What I'm saying is that I want a way to carry her around with me, any ideas?

or:My dog Mia has hip problems she is in a lot of pain, so we will put her down and soon, I cant help wanting to have her with me everyday even after she is gone, I want to carry her with me everywhere. My mom got her when I was 2 months old I have had her forever I never have looked at her bed and said I wonder where she is.What I'm saying is that I want a way to carry her around with me, any ideas?

or:I would take a picture of you and Mia and then keep a small one in your pocket, wallet, or in your jewelry box and then make a large one and hang it up in your room.Good luck! and i hope your dog feels better!

or:I would keep a book full of photos of my dog if he was dying.
