How do I dress whore-ish?

dont take this the wrong way. i just get bored sometimes and throw together something slutty take a pic and photoshop it to the max. i would never let

dont take this the wrong way. i just get bored sometimes and throw together something slutty take a pic and photoshop it to the max. i would never let anyone other than myself see those pics though, its not like i post them. i would qlso never wear something like this in public either. any ideas for the clothing/makeup aspect of my "game"?

or:dont take this the wrong way. i just get bored sometimes and throw together something slutty take a pic and photoshop it to the max. i would never let anyone other than myself see those pics though, its not like i post them. i would qlso never wear something like this in public either. any ideas for the clothing/makeup aspect of my \"game\"?

or:To dress whore-ish you need to wear skimpy clothes. Like belly shirts and really short skirts that your ass hangs out of. Or just wear a bra and panties. The main goal is to wear as little of clothing but covering up the goodies. I'm a guy and I know what we like and if you would like me to preview some. Let me know I will happily let you kno what I think ;)
