What significance does music have in our life?

or:What significance does music have in our life?or:Music is love it makes you feel confident.or:From the beginning of time music has played a large

or:What significance does music have in our life?

or:Music is love it makes you feel confident.

or:From the beginning of time music has played a large part in our lives. Our ears are meant to hear in certain frequencies, and our brain translates it just that way providing comfort, stimulation, or pain. Birds chirp, streams babble, babies laugh or cry, and then there is the express, Music to my ears\". All of these sounds and more play a large roll in the way we feel, heal, and think.The Bible says at, (Psalm 139:14) \"I praise you because in an awe-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know this very well.\"If we had been a product of evolution, the chances of everything coming together in such a well orchestrated way would be slime to none. Or like throwing pieces of an untrained orchestra together and expecting it to hear beautiful music.One person, in expressing the way he felt about music said, \"For me, music is the language that most directly expresses and evokes feelings that are difficult, if not impossible, to communicate in words.\"Music can express joy, confidence, tenderness, and almost every other emotion.Bible is like a symphony with an elegant structure, a masterful arrangement, and a moving message for all mankind, so said one writer when comparing, music and the Bible.jw.org can expand on this subject even greater.
