Hey all, my microphone (USB Headset) wont work on my PC, but it works on other devices. What do I do

My headset picks up volume, but wont imput sound recognised by the microphone. It works on my laptop, but not my PC. I use realtek audio, and snooped

My headset picks up volume, but wont imput sound recognised by the microphone. It works on my laptop, but not my PC. I use realtek audio, and snooped around online but nothing will fix it. I tried to change all the Volume controll and set a few as default to test, but nope wont work. I also tried to ''set up a a new mic'' But when it needs to recognise the ssound it wont pick it up. Help :) !

or:My headset picks up volume, but wont imput sound recognised by the microphone. It works on my laptop, but not my PC. I use realtek audio, and snooped around online but nothing will fix it. I tried to change all the Volume controll and set a few as default to test, but nope wont work. I also tried to ''set up a a new mic'' But when it needs to recognise the ssound it wont pick it up. Help :) !
