Pregnancy 5 weeks, low progesterone? How or what can I do to fix this? Is there anything I can take?

I need help this is my first pregnancy and all though accidental I want it to be alive and stay with us. Please help me!! or:I need help this is my fi

I need help this is my first pregnancy and all though accidental I want it to be alive and stay with us. Please help me!!

or:I need help this is my first pregnancy and all though accidental I want it to be alive and stay with us. Please help me!!

or:Does this look like a walk in clinic to you? We are not doctors and cannot advise you on medications. That's illegal. You talk about you wanting to stay healthy. Might I point out you have a small human growing inside of you and if you are not planning to abort, it's your job to keep that child healthy.Highly suggest you select an obstetrician and establish a rapport and ask your questions to that person.Who told you that you have low progesterone? If it was your doctor then the doctor should tell you what to do about it. click on the two sites, remove the space between the // and www.
