I will never be able to turn off my touch pad on my computer! Help!?

I am a gamer and I usually play games that require me to you use my keyboard. Whenever I use my keyboard my arm brushes against the touch pad. I looke

I am a gamer and I usually play games that require me to you use my keyboard. Whenever I use my keyboard my arm brushes against the touch pad. I looked online on ways to turn it off and when I tried it, it still was on. If you know any ways to turn it off or what I should do please tell me!

or:I am a gamer and I usually play games that require me to you use my keyboard. Whenever I use my keyboard my arm brushes against the touch pad. I looked online on ways to turn it off and when I tried it, it still was on. If you know any ways to turn it off or what I should do please tell me!
