Weed and Feed Aplication?

Can I apply weed and feed on my lawn in the morning at the crack of dawn and water it in? Its going to be around 100 degrees all this week in TX. Will

Can I apply weed and feed on my lawn in the morning at the crack of dawn and water it in? It's going to be around 100 degrees all this week in TX. Will I kill my lawn because I was going to wait 2 days to water the lawn again. I don't want to kill my lawn.

or:Can I apply weed and feed on my lawn in the morning at the crack of dawn and water it in? It's going to be around 100 degrees all this week in TX. Will I kill my lawn because I was going to wait 2 days to water the lawn again. I don't want to kill my lawn.

or:Weed and feed is generally safe at the label rate. If you are looking to kill weeds then The fall or spring would be a better time. The weeds are already summer ready at this point and will most likely combat the herbicide in the fertilizer and only get dinged. If you are fertilizing your lawn and don't much worry about the weed control, first I would recommend a different product that didn't contain a pesticide. I assume you have warm season grass (Bermuda, zoysia, St. Augustine). If you put the fertilizer down at the label rate and water thoroughly then you should not have any problems. Your concerns are spot on though. Without enough water the fertilizer will burn the grass. Especially if you put enough down to partially break down the fertilizer then let it dry out over the next couple days. You are asking for injury then.
