My cat nurses adult cats after her litter of three die?

She lost all her kittens to a dog attack and recently cats from her last litter started nursing on her again. Before this she had weened the others of

She lost all her kittens to a dog attack and recently cats from her last litter started nursing on her again. Before this she had weened the others off her for months, hissing and attacking if they came close. Now she curls up with them and grooms them. She's also been aggressive towards the father who she used to curl up with. She's obviously going through grief but should I stop the nursing of the adult cats?

or:She lost all her kittens to a dog attack and recently cats from her last litter started nursing on her again. Before this she had weened the others off her for months, hissing and attacking if they came close. Now she curls up with them and grooms them. She's also been aggressive towards the father who she used to curl up with. She's obviously going through grief but should I stop the nursing of the adult cats?

or:Well, that's what mamas do. No, there is no reason to stop them.

or:Once kittens reach between 3 weeks and 4 weeks old, mom will naturally begin to wean them for up to four more weeks. During this time she will refuse to nurse them as often, if at all, because they are growing teeth, making it very uncomfortable for her. This is completely normal behavior and just means that the little kittens are growing up. Help her out by providing solid food, the same food you've been feeding mom, mixed with kitten milk-replacement formula in a shallow dish to slowly wean them onto solid food.
