Speaker problem?

Hello, i have Genius SW-2.1 360 3-piece speaker system, i have problems with the cables that theyve worn out and i might have damaged them from inside

Hello, i have Genius SW-2.1 360 3-piece speaker system, i have problems with the cables that they've worn out and i might have damaged them from inside the speaker, is there anyway i can replace the cables of the speakers? the two small ones and the big sub-woofer, please respond ASAP, Thank you.

or:Hello, i have Genius SW-2.1 360 3-piece speaker system, i have problems with the cables that they've worn out and i might have damaged them from inside the speaker, is there anyway i can replace the cables of the speakers? the two small ones and the big sub-woofer, please respond ASAP, Thank you.

or:Replacing a cable is not a big deal, but you can't learn it by reading about it. You need to find someone who has the tools and the knowledge to do it for you. What they do is to mount a new plug on the undamaged part of the cable and then you use an extender to connect it.
