My entire question would not fit in the question area, so I put it in more details?

I have heard from many people that it is good for your health and social life to eat shoes. I have tried this and it hasnt worked for me yet (i still

I have heard from many people that it is good for your health and social life to eat shoes. I have tried this and it hasn't worked for me yet (i still am an overweight loser with no friends). Anyone have any tips to get this to work correctly?

or:I have heard from many people that it is good for your health and social life to eat shoes. I have tried this and it hasn't worked for me yet (i still am an overweight loser with no friends). Anyone have any tips to get this to work correctly?

or:not that i know of do you realize that if you tried to eat shoes it would be very tough it could cause problems swallowing shoes are made of different compounds i hope we are on the same page with this cause it doesn't sound very nutrious and inviting i think i would try lypozene green coffee bean or the well known rhasberry ketones or theses are better then eating shoes

or:i think eating shoes is a great idea, the ones who told you that must know what they are talking about. probably they forgot to mention that you should start with some light meals before shoes as scarves (preferably silk), tshirts (cotton), trousers (avoid synthetic) and other light wardrobe items. After getting used to these, you can start with shoes and after some time you can get to the real stuff as furniture, tv sets, car parts etc. Still you will need some years till you will really perform in the area to be able to eat for example Burj Khalifa in Dubai

or:Um... shoes aren't meant to eat. They're meant to protect your feet. Whoever told you that it was good for your health was wrong, because shoes, in the rubber, I'm sure, have some kind of chemical or something in it that is not edible. Whoever told you that it was good for your social life was totally messing with you, because what normal person would want to be social with a person who eats their shoes?
