Why do I break out in hives?

Every time I take a shower, go swimming in a pool or any type of of water I break out in hives. I also break out in hives when Im out in the sun and w

Every time I take a shower, go swimming in a pool or any type of of water I break out in hives. I also break out in hives when I'm out in the sun and when I sweat. I just get all itchy on my arms, back, stomach and face. It feels like a tingling feeling and they itch; and the hives are usually blotchy. I get stomachaches from drinking water too. What could be causing this? Please help!

or:Every time I take a shower, go swimming in a pool or any type of of water I break out in hives. I also break out in hives when I'm out in the sun and when I sweat. I just get all itchy on my arms, back, stomach and face. It feels like a tingling feeling and they itch; and the hives are usually blotchy. I get stomachaches from drinking water too. What could be causing this? Please help!

or:dude that is so cool! lol sorry its probably really annoying whats going on, but my best guess is that you're one of the few people allergic to water.

or:I don't think it's the water, but something that might be in the water.First, you should try getting a cold wet towel and gently place it over the affected area. This will reduce the swelling and cool the inflamed skin.A wet green Tea bag will also help relieve those side effects.Drinking three cups of green tea per day will also help get rid of hives. Make sure the tea is caffeine free. You can also try green tea baths.To treat hives you could also use Aloe Vera. Use the gel from the leafs and add 500mg of Vitamin C (you can crush Vitamin C pills into powder form). Then add 400 IU Vitamin E and mix in a blender for every 1/4 cup of gel.I hope these tips helped.

or:sounds like immune problem triggered by allergic reactions & have testing for thyroid.You need a special doctor working in that area as std medical tests may not find it, A possibility of long term exposures to chemicals can cause some of that.either way your immune system needs medical attention.I have an immune problem from bug spray and other chemicals called EI/MCS, no cure but can be treated. Hope & pray God will send the proper help to you.Trust God for that & my prayers go up for your cure. Have faith as we have a fantastic God who cares.
