How to brighten up a video?

Hey guys Im working on a video. But some of the footage are too dark to be put into my final work so Im wondering how I can brighten them up? The soft

Hey guys I'm working on a video. But some of the footage are too dark to be put into my final work so I'm wondering how I can brighten them up? The software I'm using to edit my video is TunesKit AceMovi, it's great for beginners. You guys can check that out.

or:Hey guys I'm working on a video. But some of the footage are too dark to be put into my final work so I'm wondering how I can brighten them up? The software I'm using to edit my video is TunesKit AceMovi, it's great for beginners. You guys can check that out.

or:You sound young, so I'm not sure how comprehensible my explanation might be.My current graphical preference is openshot. To increase brightness, it's just a matter of import video, add brightness filter, set to a value from -1 (darker) to 1 (lighter), export video. But then you might need to learn a bit about the properties of a video (aspect ratio, frame rate, codecs, bit rate) for the result to be like the origin.In ffmpeg it's a one liner, but you have you know what you're doing to install and use it.ffmpeg -i INPUT.MOV -vf eq=brightness=0.06:saturation=2 -c:a copy OUTPUT.MOV Your guideline as a beginner should be both which software gets the jobs you want done with minimal intervention (out of box), and how easy it is to get information regarding the jobs that aren't trivial out of box at your level - be it through online articles, youtube videos, a savvy mate, trial and error.
