Does this guy like me?

Positives-He noticed that I used a different perfume and started sniffing me.-He sent me a voice recording saying "good night"-He told his friends tha

-He noticed that I used a different perfume and started sniffing me.
-He sent me a voice recording saying "good night"
-He told his friends that I am someone who he keeps wanting to talk to.
-He doesn't directly compliment me, however, when his friends ask who I am, he says " oh this pretty girl"
-He messed up my hair once, smiling/teasing me.
-He kept asking me to study together.
-I'm usually the one who texts him first, and he replies really late.
-I asked his close friend how my crush is and he said that he is pretty gentle/nice to all girls, and that gets a lot of girls into thinking that he likes them.

or:Positives-He noticed that I used a different perfume and started sniffing me.-He sent me a voice recording saying \"good night\"-He told his friends that I am someone who he keeps wanting to talk to.-He doesn't directly compliment me, however, when his friends ask who I am, he says \" oh this pretty girl\"-He messed up my hair once, smiling/teasing me.-He kept asking me to study together.Negatives-I'm usually the one who texts him first, and he replies really late.-I asked his close friend how my crush is and he said that he is pretty gentle/nice to all girls, and that gets a lot of girls into thinking that he likes them.

or:well I think I would ask where do we go from here way all the positive pros there seems to be better choices and more pros then cons I didn't see any cons so I think is most positive that you have to ask him if he wants to hang out and see where it goes he does show interest

or:Yes it is clear to me that he likes you as that sounds like what happened with me and my boyfriend before he asked me out a month ago. If he asks you out say yes

or:He does. He's probably really happy where you'll are right now, so doesn't say anything. Give him signs that you're into him too.

or:Like his friends said, he is NICE to ALL girls, he doesn't message you first or call you out during summer breaks etc. Maybe he's just an attention seeker in ways people doesn't see it in? What if he is just Leading you on? Its best to remain the same but its your choice what you wanna do. OR you can look it in another way, he only sees you as his 'Sister'.Why don't you stop being the first to message him first and wait till HE Message you first then you reply back after a few mins like 30mins? since you say he reply back to you late? if you're always the first to message him first, he would think it's natural for you to talk to him.Don't make the first move. Let him BE the FIRST to MAKE the move. \"He told his friends that I am someone who he keeps wanting to talk to\" , 'What if' and 'Maybe' he says the same when he introduce all the other girls to his friends?You should think twice before asking him OR asking him out. Observe him WELL...
