Nail Polish on Skin - Didn't remove, shaved, HELP?

Okay, so I had, just for fun, drawn a smiley face on my leg with purple nail polish last night and never washed it off. At around noontime today I too

Okay, so I had, just for fun, drawn a smiley face on my leg with purple nail polish last night and never washed it off. At around noontime today I took a shower (with the nail polish still on my leg) and shaved right over it a couple of times with soap and water. I noticed now that it has left a red, blotchy smiley face (the shape in which I drew it) on my leg. It's sore and sensitive to the touch. Is this something I need to worry about?
Also, it's not like the skin is broken on top. It's perfectly level and smooth like the rest of my thigh.

or:Okay, so I had, just for fun, drawn a smiley face on my leg with purple nail polish last night and never washed it off. At around noontime today I took a shower (with the nail polish still on my leg) and shaved right over it a couple of times with soap and water. I noticed now that it has left a red, blotchy smiley face (the shape in which I drew it) on my leg. It's sore and sensitive to the touch. Is this something I need to worry about? Also, it's not like the skin is broken on top. It's perfectly level and smooth like the rest of my thigh.

or:You have irritated the skin and most likely a slight infection as the skin could not breath. Try and put on some Neosporin or Bacitracin, which you can get over the counter @ any drug store, to see if it helps heal ..if you see it's not helping please go see a doctor.

or:your skin is irritated because of the nail polish and it does not remove immediately maybe you must see a doctor if it became worse
