Need help with some Italian translation?

Ciao:) I am getting a tattoo in Italian soon and I want to make sure the spelling and punctuation on it is right! So I was wondering if anyone could t

Ciao:) I am getting a tattoo in Italian soon and I want to make sure the spelling and punctuation on it is right! So I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to say the following in italian: Forgive, apologize, Be free.

or:Ciao:) I am getting a tattoo in Italian soon and I want to make sure the spelling and punctuation on it is right! So I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to say the following in italian: Forgive, apologize, Be free.

or:You can use Google translation for translating these few words. It will give you a literal translation of these few words with perfect spelling. Google translation is a good tool for a literal translation, however, human translators are recommended for translating texts for a meaningful translation.
