Can a patient be clinically depressed and still have insights,that is, know what is happening in?

... his/her environment? or:... his/her environment?or:yes, why not?or:yes you can be clinically depressed and still be aware of your surroundings.

... his/her environment?

or:... his/her environment?

or:yes, why not?

or:yes you can be clinically depressed and still be aware of your surroundings. i've delt with depression since grade school. there is usually a reason for depression. like being lonely or bullied or having a tough family to live with and more. most times someone with the right medication, depression can be controlled. i believe that a better way to help someone who is depressed is to be a friend, show them there are good things and good people, invite them to church. give that person a goal a positive one. mine is to lose weight and find a career, something that makes me be creative like architecture. something that will help build my community like infrastructure.
