I am looking for a animation movie about small creatures that meet humans. I forgot the name?

I am looking for a movie. I have seen a trailer of it but I have forgotten the name and most of the storyline.it is a animation movie. there were sm

I am looking for a movie. I have seen a trailer of it but I have forgotten the name and most of the storyline.

it is a animation movie. there were small creatures (or something) in armored suits. they later meet people. i think it was a humor genre.

that is all i can remember. i want to find that movie again. it looked funny but because of a new installation of windows i lost it

or:I am looking for a movie. I have seen a trailer of it but I have forgotten the name and most of the storyline.it is a animation movie. there were small creatures (or something) in armored suits. they later meet people. i think it was a humor genre.that is all i can remember. i want to find that movie again. it looked funny but because of a new installation of windows i lost it

or:Sounds like you are talking about \"Epic\" (2013)http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0848537/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_8
