People can see two of me while the ''real'' me are asleep, what's going on?

My grandma told me this a couple of hours ago. She told me that she woke up one night, and she saw me laying down in my bed, but at the same time, I w

My grandma told me this a couple of hours ago. She told me that she woke up one night, and she saw me laying down in my bed, but at the same time, I was running around the apartment and she didn't knew who was the ''real'' me. She also said that I was sending mystic out from my body, and she is scared of me while I sleep. What's going on?

or:My grandma told me this a couple of hours ago. She told me that she woke up one night, and she saw me laying down in my bed, but at the same time, I was running around the apartment and she didn't knew who was the ''real'' me. She also said that I was sending mystic out from my body, and she is scared of me while I sleep. What's going on?

or:Well you can do a small test here's how first put a camera where this other you is appearing then put a mark on your hand or arm like an x or something then before you go to sleep turn on the camera and do not tell your grand mother where it is if there is another you it could be in her imagination if you see this other you on tape see if he has a mark on his body like yours and if he dosent appear I don't know what to say
