How long does it take to prepare for IELTS?

many students struggle with this in the Reading and Writing sections or:many students struggle with this in the Reading and Writing sectionsor:It depe

many students struggle with this in the Reading and Writing sections

or:many students struggle with this in the Reading and Writing sections

or:It depends on your initial level. If you are an elementary/beginner level student then from two to three years, if you're at the level required, strong intermediate, then 4 to 6 weeks is usually long enough.

or:It depends on your initial level.

or:It depends on your initial level.

or:If you are an elementary/beginner level student then from two to three years, if you're at the level required, strong intermediate, then 4 to 6 weeks is usually long enough.

or:I prepared in just 1 week, its all about how much concerned you are and how much extra time you can give to exercise for the test.
