Remove PC CLeaner Pro. To install AVG antiVirus CD?

Remove PC CLeaner Pro. I got AVG antiVirus CD & tryed to install it. it tells me to first remove "PC CLeaner Pro" a conflicting product. Look in add R

Remove PC CLeaner Pro. I got AVG antiVirus CD & tryed to install it. it tells me to first remove "PC CLeaner Pro" a conflicting product. Look in add Remove programs List for PC CLean, Look in CCLeaner List, in win-start, in program files. I don't see any file PC CLean... on C: delete every program with PC but still i get can't install
Look PC CLeaner Pro onLine, i recall trying the program but i must have deleted it. How can i fined what Little is Left if any to install AVG? Not Looking to re install PC CLeaner Pro the web sed it could hurt my PC. any tips?

or:Remove PC CLeaner Pro. I got AVG antiVirus CD & tryed to install it. it tells me to first remove \"PC CLeaner Pro\" a conflicting product. Look in add Remove programs List for PC CLean, Look in CCLeaner List, in win-start, in program files. I don't see any file PC CLean... on C: delete every program with PC but still i get can't installLook PC CLeaner Pro onLine, i recall trying the program but i must have deleted it. How can i fined what Little is Left if any to install AVG? Not Looking to re install PC CLeaner Pro the web sed it could hurt my PC. any tips?

or:You may have a remnant of PCP on your system. Try searching files in Safe Mode for both \"PC Cleaner Pro\" and \"PC Cleaner(s)\

or:The Desktop users irate from their Computer system\u2019s slow performance and speed, often try various software and updates in order to fix their system issues and make it faster and cleaner than ever. However, the security product, etc. that you install often are not genuine and indeed slow down your system speed and performance, etc. Hence, it\u2019s very difficult to find the genuine Registry Cleaner and PC Optimizer. A quality product not only fixes all your system errors, but also help your PC function in a seamless way.Use Gopcpro- An exceptional PC OptimizerGopcpro Registry Clean Expert is an exceptional PC Optimizer and speed booster. The feedback from worldwide users of this advanced System Optimizer have been incredible. Gopcpro Registry Cleaner has been admired and appreciated by Desktop users across many countries. The most significant thing about Gopcpro Registry Clean Expert is that it plays a vital role in the increasing the PC Speed and performance by removing and neutralizing all unwanted registries and other elements that impact the proper function of the PC. Gopcpro remove all unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Help Files, Invalid Shortcuts etc. from your system to make it clean and smooth.How to Download, Install and Use GopcproIf you are frustrated and disappointed with your system speed and performance, all you need to do is visit the website of Gopcpro and download the latest version of Gopcpro System Optimizer. It is the all-in-one security for your system that not only helps to protect your system from various malware and spyware, but also fix all the registry error to enhance the system speed immensely. Below are the instruction to download and use Gopcpro:\uf0d8\tOnce the download is complete, open the file to start the installation\uf0d8\tAfter the file downloads, you will see a confirmation message asking you if you're sure you want to run this software. Click Run\uf0d8\tFollow the instructions shown on Gopcpro Pro's setup wizard to complete the installation. \uf0d8\tAfter installation, Click Start Scan. You'll see a progress bar and a list of potential issues. \uf0d8\tOnce the scan is finished, you can review the list of issues. \uf0d8\tYou can see a detailed view of each issue found by clicking on \"Edit\" \uf0d8\tClick Fix All to start cleaning and repairs. This incredible Registry Cleaner has a few additional features i.e. Gopcpro Memory Optimizer, Gopcpro System Optimizer etc. which improve and enhance the performance of other critical sectors of your PC.
