Are you suppose to work at UPS in the dark?

Im a package handler at UPS and yesterday the transformer blew out and the whole power was out. I thought they were going to send us home but they had

Im a package handler at UPS and yesterday the transformer blew out and the whole power was out. I thought they were going to send us home but they had us unloading boxes from trucks, pushing them up the belt BY HAND, and loading them IN THE DARK. Yeah we had flashlights but still. I had a strong feeling we weren't suppose to be doing that. A couple people left and others recorded it. So were we suppose to work under those circumstances or not?

or:Im a package handler at UPS and yesterday the transformer blew out and the whole power was out. I thought they were going to send us home but they had us unloading boxes from trucks, pushing them up the belt BY HAND, and loading them IN THE DARK. Yeah we had flashlights but still. I had a strong feeling we weren't suppose to be doing that. A couple people left and others recorded it. So were we suppose to work under those circumstances or not?
